Vitamin E – vitamin of reproductive function

5 min read
Vitamin E – vitamin of reproductive function
Picture: Nadezhda Andriyakhina | Dreamstime

Vitamin E (tocopherol) – a group of compounds – vitamers, which are divided into two types – tocotrienols and tocopherols, but alpha tocopherol acetate is considered the most active.

All vitamin E compounds, regardless of their formula, are considered antioxidants and have similar pharmacological effects. Therefore, in the annotations to the preparations, they are often combined under the general name “tocopherol“.

Interesting fact! At the beginning of the last century, it was believed that Vitamin E prevents vitamin D and ascorbic acid from acting.

Benefits of Vitamin E

  • Immunity. Increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.
  • Nervous system. Contributes to normal functioning.
  • Vessels. Expands the arteries, which helps to lower blood pressure.
  • Soft fabrics. Prevents the occurrence of cramps and increases muscle endurance. With the external use of liquid vitamin E, regeneration processes are activated. Almost no scars remain at the site of the wounds. In addition, it exhibits an antihypoxic effect, positively affecting tissue respiration.
  • Skin. Vitamin E eliminates dry skin of the face and relieves allergic manifestations, improves the condition of nails and hair.
  • Blood. Tocopherol prevents thrombosis.
Vitamin E
Picture: Ekaterina79 | Dreamstime

Antioxidant Vitamin E

The action of tocopherol in this direction is difficult to overestimate:

  • binding of free radicals with their subsequent deactivation;
  • protection of cells from damage during oxidative processes;
  • Improve the absorption of retinol (vitamin A) by the body
  • preventing the formation of age-related pigmentation on the skin;
  • inhibition of aging processes;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin.
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Vitamin B12 – biologically active substance containing cobalt
5 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

When taken regularly in adequate doses, vitamin E improves the condition of diabetics and patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin E for men

The benefits of vitamin E for men is to improve the quality of seminal fluid and increase potency. This effect is due to the positive effect of tocopherol on the work of the sex glands, due to which the production of hormones is activated in them.

Vitamin E for Women

Vitamin E for women is one of the main means of rejuvenation and fertility. Tocopherol improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, especially in the ovaries and uterus. It reduces the manifestations of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and alleviates the condition of a woman during menopause.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

Vitamin E for pregnant women is simply necessary. Tocopherol stimulates the production of hormones and maintains them at the required level. But most importantly, it contributes to the full formation of the placenta.

What foods contain vitamin E

There are many medicines with tocopherol on sale. However, you can replenish the daily intake of vitamin E with the help of natural foods, in particular, they are rich in:

  • vegetable oils (soybean, cottonseed, corn, sunflower and olive);
  • germinated wheat grains;
  • legumes (soybeans, peas, beans);
  • cereals (buckwheat, barley, corn and oatmeal);
  • seafood (shrimp, squid);
  • fish (eel, zander and mackerel);
  • eggs.
Vitamin E
Picture: Tatjana Baibakova | Dreamstime
Interesting fact! The record holder for tocopherol among all products containing Vitamin E is wheat germ oil.

Products less rich in vitamin E, but they still need to be included in the menu without fail:

  • fruits;
  • liver;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots);
  • sea buckthorn fruits and viburnum berries.
Vitamin C is one of the main substances in the human diet
Vitamin C is one of the main substances in the human diet
8 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

It is enough to correctly compose a menu to provide yourself with a daily dose of tocopherol.

Interesting fact! Vitamin E, whatever it is contained in, is well preserved when food is frozen and is practically not destroyed when processed at high temperatures. However, air and sunlight are detrimental to him.

Vitamin deficiency

The lack of vitamin E leads to disruption of many internal organs.

Vitamin E deficiency symptoms

  • myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);
  • hyporeflexia (decrease in muscle sensitivity to stimuli);
  • ataxia (impaired coordination of movements);
  • dysarthria (slurred speech);
  • hypoesthesia (decrease in tactile sensitivity).
Vitamin E
Picture: Yulia Gusterina | Dreamstime

Tocopherol deficiency adversely affects health. It can cause:

  • miscarriage during pregnancy (there is a risk of spontaneous abortion and fetal fading);
  • reducing potency in men;
  • development of toxicosis;
  • hemolytic anemia in a child;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • infertility;
  • hepatonecrosis (death of hepatocytes ─ liver cells);
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • softening of certain areas of the brain and cerebellum.
Antioxidants – inhibitors of oxidative processes
Antioxidants – inhibitors of oxidative processes
5 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

However, vitamin E tends to accumulate in the body, creating a kind of depot in the liver, adipose and muscle tissues. Due to this, severe hypovitaminosis practically does not happen. Indeed, in the event of a shortage, it is these reserves that begin to be spent in the first place with a shortage of tocopherol.

Excess of vitamin in the body

An excess of vitamin E occurs only with a single dose of a large dose of the drug. However, this pathological condition is rare in clinical practice. The results of recent scientific studies have shown that even the constant intake of tocopherol in large doses does not lead to the development of hypervitaminosis.

However, a single overdose of vitamin E often causes dyspepsia, and also provokes a headache and a jump in blood pressure. All these symptoms are transient and do not require medical attention.

The role of vitamin D for humans
The role of vitamin D for humans
8 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

Prolonged hypervitaminosis can provoke various pathologies, including:

  • decrease in platelet count;
  • enterocolitis;
  • night blindness;
  • decrease in blood clotting, up to hemorrhage in the brain or retina;
  • enlargement of the liver;
  • reducing blood glucose levels;
  • liver failure;
  • ascites (abdominal dropsy);
  • Changes in blood biochemistry (azotemia, increased levels of triglycerides and bilirubin).


But still, you should not start taking vitamin E supplements on your own, especially during pregnancy. Like any other drug, it should only be prescribed by a doctor. He will take into account the general condition, the presence of contraindications and select an adequate dosage.

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