How to get rid of a stuffy nose – 8 tips

5 min read
How to get rid of a stuffy nose – 8 tips
Picture: Pedro Pascual | Dreamstime

Even the slightest change in the weather makes a person prone to colds, flu, and stuffy noses.

It immediately becomes of paramount interest to get rid of congestion as it makes breathing difficult, affecting other functions such as eating, drinking, sleeping, or even focusing on work.

The common belief among people is that stuffy nose is the result of too much mucus in the nasal passages, in fact the main cause of nasal congestion is inflammation in the blood vessels of the sinuses and these malformations are caused by colds, flu, allergies or any other infection.

Whatever causes you discomfort, we present you with various ways to help deal with nasal congestion.

Blow your nose

This method is listed as the most commonly used, but there may be something else we don’t know about.

how to get rid of a stuffy nose
Picture: MoonSafarii | Dreamstime

Blowing out both nostrils at the same time, according to scientific research, actually introduces mucus into the chest, as there is a lot of pressure on them due to blowing. It can be argued that blowing out one nostril at a time while closing the other with your fingers is the best way to remove mucus from the sinus cavity.

Water vapor

Using steam to get rid of a stuffy nose is the second most common method. Place your face over very hot or boiling water so that the vapors reaching your nose help clear your nasal passage. In a matter of seconds, this method will begin to show its effectiveness.

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However, it’s best to put a towel over your head and also around cookware that releases steam to prevent it from escaping. It is also important to check the temperature of the steam emitted to avoid skin burns.

Use a humidifier

A humidifier works by improving the level of humidity in your room by simply turning water into moisture that slowly fills the air.

Humidifiers also thin the mucus in your sinuses, which can help relieve nasal congestion. Breathing in moist air for a while helps relieve the inflammation and irritation that causes congestion.

Use a salt spray

Markets today are loaded with over-the-counter saline sprays to help you get rid of nasal congestion. The spray helps to thin the mucous passages, allowing the mucous membrane to slide easily.

how to get rid of a stuffy nose
Picture: Roman Chazov | Dreamstime

You can also make this salt spray at home. Add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water, stir until the salt is completely dissolved in the water. Later, add a drop of salt water to one of the nostrils using a dropper. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds, and then gently rinse the water and mucus from your nose. Repeat the same procedure with the other nostril.

Use eucalyptus oil

Add 1 drop of pure eucalyptus oil for every teaspoon of olive oil in a glass or ceramic (not plastic) bowl.

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Dip one side of the fabric in this mixture. Now put the submerged end in your nostril and take a deep breath. Repeat the same procedure with the other nostril. Be sure to use this method an hour before bedtime and within half an hour after waking up to effectively clear your nasal passage.

Spraying pure eucalyptus oil on a handkerchief and smelling it throughout the day can also help you get rid of a stuffy nose.

Diet and water intake

When you’re suffering from a cold, it makes sense to look at the types of foods you eat. Foods such as dairy should be avoided because it is suggested that the beta-cm-7 protein in milk may contribute to the production of more sputum in patients with colds and flu.

Spicy foods such as pepper, horseradish (wasabi), and ginger are also believed to temporarily relieve nasal congestion. However, they may worsen the condition after their effects wear off, but their strong and pungent smells work and will help you get rid of nasal congestion.

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Drink tea, fruits rich in vitamin C, hot water with lemon and honey will help relieve nasal congestion. Of all factors, hydration and drinking plenty of water makes the biggest difference in relaxing the nasal passages.

Decongestants and Mints

Decongestants contain active ingredients that usually consist of pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine.

how to get rid of a stuffy nose
Picture: Yaremkok | Dreamstime

These decongestants are readily available even without a prescription and are really good at masking your symptoms rather than treating them. Your symptoms may find temporary relief, but the ability of a decongestant to treat the underlying cause is rather questionable.

Peppermints also help get rid of stuffy nose, but only temporarily.

Hot compress

Soak a small hand towel in hot water and wring it out completely. Now put it on your face, especially your nose and forehead, so that some of the heat goes into your sinuses. This procedure helps to reduce inflammation and relieve pain, which helps clear nasal congestion.

A stuffy nose can make you feel very uncomfortable, but these remedies are sure to be your savior during a difficult time. Tell us which of these home remedies have helped you get rid of your stuffy nose. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends.

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