13 virtues according to Franklin

4 min read
13 virtues according to Franklin
Picture: ria.ru

The name Benjamin Franklin is known to many. But if someone hasn’t heard him, they’ve probably seen the picture of this man on the hundred dollar bill.

He lived in the 18th century and became famous as a famous scientist, journalist, and businessman. In addition, Benjamin Franklin became one of the authors of the American constitution. He chose his path at a young age and followed it all his life, achieved success and became one of the famous people of America.

Success for him was associated with moral self-improvement. He made it his life’s goal to minimize mistakes, or even not to make them at all. Benjamin Franklin believed that “the path of error” people are driven by their own weaknesses.

Natural inclinations

Man has a dual nature. Animal instincts and the desire for spirituality and self-improvement fight in it. If the former prevail, then success will never be achieved.


The repetition of the same type of actions, which are performed automatically over time, becomes a habit. This limits thinking and does not allow you to look at the problem from a different point of view.

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A person who succumbs to social stereotypes is unlikely to succeed.

People say: “To become wealthy, you need to work very hard, so wealth is not destined for everyone” or “Getting rich is difficult, and if a person is rich, then something is wrong here; perhaps the person got the money dishonestly.”

There are many such stereotypes. If you believe in all this, then the path to success will be closed.

The Virtues of Benjamin Franklin

Understanding all this, Benjamin Franklin followed those virtues that he considered important not only for success, but also for spiritual self-improvement. He chose thirteen such virtues, and associated short instructions with them that are still relevant today.

1. Abstinence

There must be a measure in everything. There is no need to overeat. Drink not to drunkenness. Overeating leads to excess weight, as well as poor health. Needless to say, too much alcohol is also detrimental to health. Everyone knows that drunkenness and success are incompatible.

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2. Silence

No wonder they say that we are given two ears to listen more, and one mouth to speak less. It is necessary to pronounce only what will benefit the speaker or his interlocutor. Empty and useless chatter should be avoided. They take time and energy, and also lead to devastation.

3. Order

And the order is not only indoors. It should be in thoughts, deeds and in time, you need to correctly distribute priorities in your life. To successfully conduct business, you should make plans to avoid confusion in your head.

4. Decisiveness

You must always find the courage to carry out your plans. Otherwise, they will remain plans and not materialize in reality. How many regrets about a missed opportunity that would have changed your whole life? Of course, the reason for this is the fear of making a mistake. But if you learn to take risks, then there will be fewer such regrets.

5. Thrift

You need to spend money wisely. You should not buy a thousand unnecessary things, so that they then stand uselessly on the shelves. But if you want to relax and have fun, then you should not save every penny. Money is a means to get what you need, not an end in itself.

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6. Diligence

No need to waste time. Engage in activities that will benefit you.

7. Sincerity

You need to be fair and not deceive your interlocutor. A deceitful person repels. There is more trust in a sincere and honest person.

8. Justice

A just person will never justify a base act. Even if he is perfect best friend.

9. Moderation

It is necessary to avoid excesses and see the measure in everything.

10. Purity

You need to keep your body clean. Clothing should be neat and the home clean.

11. Serenity

This is a very valuable quality – to be able to calmly respond to life’s adversities, not to get irritated in an environment where it seems that tension is increasing and it is difficult to cope with it.

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12. Chastity

This is important: to get the upper hand over base thoughts, and not to waste yourself on something that destroys.

13. Modesty

Follow the instructions and teachings of Jesus Christ and Socrates.

Benjamin Franklin followed these principles back in the 18th century, but many of them have not lost their relevance today. And when the question arises: “What am I living for? And where am I going?”, then you should remember these principles and apply them in your life. Then, soon, perhaps, success will come, and all goals will be achieved.
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