The Internet is the greatest invention of mankind

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The Internet is the greatest invention of mankind
Picture: Sevak Aramyan |

Internet – a worldwide network consisting of a large number of local networks. October 29, 1969 is considered the birthday of the Internet, but it appeared in mass use much later, in the early 90s. So, first things first.


The history of the creation of the Internet dates back to the 60s of the last century in the United States. The country possessed great opportunities, many talented scientists worked in scientific centers. The first prototype of the Internet was designed for wartime use. For example, for communication during a nuclear war.

The date of creation of the Internet has already been indicated above, but in order to achieve the look familiar to everyone, he had to go through many changes. Over time, the invention improved and acquired a completely different character. So soon the network was able to use not only the military, but also scientists. In 1971, the first e-mail was developed, and just two years later, the Internet spread across the ocean. However, only a narrow circle of people could still use it.

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Thus, in the United States, the first impetus was given to the development of the Internet, but the founder of the Internet is Tim Berners-Lee, who worked in the European organization CERN. After spending two years on development, it was this scientist who made the Internet the way millions of users now know it.
Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee. Picture:

When the Internet appeared and who its creator was, they figured it out. It turns out that the very idea of ​​the Global Network is not so new, many writers of the past and the century before last described the predictions of the emergence of the Internet in their writings. So, Mark Twain in his story “London Times” in 1898, described in detail a certain device called a telelectroscope. The well-known inventor Nikola Tesla described modern smartphones back in 1908, which are used to transmit information over a distance. The Soviet writer predicted the emergence of the Internet in 1950, describing it in his stories “Multivak”.

The Future of the Internet

In today’s world, technology is developing at a tremendous speed. From the beginning of the history of the Internet to the present day, the system has undergone global changes. It is noteworthy that these changes affected not only technical capabilities, but also the way of life of a person. People have radically changed their lives, some professions have been replaced by others, even the way of thinking has changed. None of today’s people can imagine life without the Internet.

What else is he capable of what other changes await the population of the planet with the invention of the Internet?

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Online stores have already become commonplace, and over time, they will only strengthen their positions. Virtual reality will become even more important. Already now people do not part with their mobile devices, in the future the creation of entire alternative worlds is predicted. Robots will be able to perform not only primitive work, but also solve complex intellectual problems. It is also predicted to improve the work of health care.

The day is not far off when we will be presented with technologies that can determine the state of a person, which will allow us to detect diseases earlier, which means that life expectancy should also increase. The division of the Internet into several networks is inevitable due to security policy. The availability of education, online learning is already being practiced, further this system will develop even more. You can also learn on your own, you can find almost all the necessary knowledge on the net.

There are also negative sides, as with any field. In the case of the Internet, this is a black market. What gets into the net stays there. The global network is a real expanse for scammers and terrorists. It is worth remembering this and thinking about your safety while wandering the World Wide Web.

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Interplanetary communication is also not far off. It is predicted that a connection with Mars will be established after its colonization.

We can only know for sure that the history of the development of the Internet does not stop there, it will change at a breakneck pace and will change us.

Internet structure

The World Wide Web includes government, corporate, home and other computer networks. The IP protocol combines networks of different types and structures. IP is a kind of communication channel through which data can be transmitted. The protocol can both “travel” through different classes of networks, and create a single space based on the class of the network.

Picture: Alphaspirit | Dreamstime

The global network has its own structure and hierarchy. The most popular service is WWW. The inventor of the WWW is Tim Bernes-Lee, who invented the first Internet. With the help of this service, information is exchanged around the world via high-speed highways. Such backbones can be telephone or digital lines, optical fiber, radio channels or satellite lines.

The user receives the Internet through a provider, which, in turn, has a connection to a regional provider. The regional one connects to even larger nodes that go to other countries and cities.

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For the user, work on the Internet is carried out using a browser.

A browser is a program for viewing Internet pages. This is a kind of adapter for an incomprehensible information cipher into the pages that we get to as a result of the request. The inconspicuous operation of the program allows millions of users to easily obtain the necessary information from the Global Web.

Network resources are divided by language. Although English is considered the main language of the network, the main languages ​​​​of the world are presented to users. It is enough to select the one you need and view the pages in your native language.

Legal Aspect

There is a lot of debate about whether the Internet can be considered a subject of law or not. The totality of resources is an organized system in the form of a single network. But this web does not belong to either the state or society, which could enter into legal relations with the other side. This means that the Internet cannot be a subject of law.

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Also, the World Wide Web cannot be a legal object, since it does not have a specific owner or owner, it does not belong to anyone, and therefore cannot be an object of law.

Main areas of Internet use


A huge amount of resources are related to business. This includes advertising, the sale of goods and services, electronic payments, banking services and much more. Business on the Internet is growing at a tremendous pace, providing an opportunity to earn money for people of almost any age and from anywhere in the world where there is a network.

Picture: Nmedia | Dreamstime


Also divided into genres, as well as printed publications. Here the media has a great advantage, there is no need to spend money on printing, and the frequency is not limited to days, but is updated as new information appears. Experts say that online publications will soon replace printed periodicals. Online radio and TV, home theaters have also received some development on the Internet.


Literature, music and cinema have become more accessible than ever to every network user. Here you can find the rarest book of both famous writers and creations that are posted by novice authors. The same goes for music and films. This distribution of files on the network has influenced the development of the problem of copyright.

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E-mail, video calls, and calls to landline and mobile numbers have all become possible thanks to the development of the network. And many features are provided free of charge. Not minutes of communication are paid, but Internet traffic.


Live communication has almost completely replaced social networks. Here you can not only exchange oral information in the case of simple communication, but also share all kinds of digital materials. For many, online communication allows you to create a fundamentally new version of your “I”. A whole generation has already grown up on this method of communication, which no longer imagines that it could be different.


The Internet acts as a space for those who want to help others, a kind of community of volunteers. With the help of the Internet, resources aimed at charity, the achievement of some common goal, have become available. For example, information about a charity event or the need to raise funds for a project or assistance is published on the pages of the network. With the help of remote (online) payment technologies, funds are being raised.

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Many governments restrict access to some sites that are contrary to the regime in the country. However, censorship is currently limited, as no country has ventured to disconnect completely from the World Wide Web. For example, in China, some sites are completely blocked for users of the country. The publication of many materials undergoes mandatory moderation by government agencies, and the authorities also use special programs that “filter” unwanted content.

Picture: Nmedia | Dreamstime

Internet communities

Just like a regular one, an online community is created to achieve a specific goal. On the network, users join groups to find answers to their questions or just like-minded people. These are a kind of online clubs of interest from technology to funny pictures, for example, social networks.

Interesting facts about the Internet

Network dependency

Most often seen in teenagers. Since this group of users is the most emotionally unstable. Internet addiction is a mental disorder characterized by a person’s constant desire to enter the network and the inability to get out of it in time.

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Modern culture, which has received its development on the Internet. It originates from science fiction, films and computer games. Here the emphasis is on artificial intelligence, cyborgs, hackers and class inequality.


Placement of provocative materials on the network for the further development of the conflict between users. The one who engages in trolling most often pursues one goal – to attract as much attention as possible to his personality, albeit negative.

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