Human design – what is the essence of the system and how to decipher your type

8 min read
Human design – what is the essence of the system and how to decipher your type
Picture: Yandex.Zen

What is the essence of Human Design, what types of systems exist and how do they differ?

When a person does not understand “Who is he”, nothing works. The same can be said about acceptance and self-love. Who to love? Who to accept? We hear these calls everywhere: love yourself, accept yourself. But for starters, it would not be bad to figure out: who am I.

And a person can have tremendous power, but at the same time not be aware of it or even be afraid, avoid it. To appear in isolation from oneself, losing the point of internal support and violating one’s own laws of integrity.

And since we do not live in a vacuum and are in constant relationship with the outside world, even when there is no visible contact, then if we destroy our integrity, we also negatively affect the world around.

And until we understand our nature, we cannot accept and love it. Just as we cannot accept the nature of others. Understanding always goes hand in hand with acceptance.

What is Human Design

  • Do I understand my nature?
  • Do I know how to handle it?
  • Can I manage it correctly?
  • What can I rely on as I move through life?

All these questions are answered by the Human Design system.

This is innovative knowledge that reflects the mechanics of human nature with incredible breadth and detail.

With this knowledge, you not only gain a deep understanding of yourself and your environment, you also gain a very important practical tool – your unique way of making decisions.

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And this is an experiment. Your experiment, diving into which, you can clearly feel that you are the creator of your life. Which certainly brings ease and removes resistance from your life path.

Understanding the mechanics removes all expectations and projections, allowing you to see things as they really are. And it can make any area of ​​your life more filled with love and meaning.

No expectations – no complaints, disappointments, resentment…

And on the one hand, it may seem that it is simple. But in reality it requires a certain inner determination. Decisiveness to follow your Inner Authority.

Inner authority is your unique way of making decisions.

Bodygraph. Center navigation in human design. Photo:

How to recognize him? It is enough to make your bodygraph (your map) and get information about your strategy and internal authority. It’s absolutely free. But make sure you have the exact time of birth!

How to get a Human Design card for free in Russian with decryption? For example, you can download the HdDating mobile app, where you only need to enter your name, time and place of birth. A card with decryption and compatibility can be obtained in minutes.
Human Design Card
Human Design Card in Russian with decoding. Photo:

Types of Human Design

Your strategy will be shaped by what type you are.

Types of Human Design
Types of Human Design. Photo:

There are 4 types according to the Human Design system.


The most common type, which makes up 70% of the human population, is Generators.

We can say that we live on a planet of generators.

These people are designed to live Satisfaction out of response. Enjoy what they do and create. And the resistance they encounter along the way is recognized as frustration.

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Type strategy: actively wait and move from the response.

Therefore, if you are a Generator type, you already have two markers that can help you move correctly. Satisfaction or frustration – paying attention to your condition, you can understand whether your movement in life is correct.

Be attentive to requests around and respond.


The next type is Projectors. It makes up 20% of the population.

Projectors are guides and mentors of mankind, mothers and fathers of mankind. They are designed to recognize the unique nature of another person and through this are able to guide the other along the path of least resistance.

Their markers: success or bitterness. And success in this case is not at all the success that is commonly thought of. This is the success of the joint movement and disclosure of potential. For a projector, success comes from interacting with another person or team.

And resistance manifests itself as bitterness from non-recognition.

Therefore, if you are a projector, then your strategy is to expect recognition. When you are recognized as a guide and invited into the process, this is the beginning of your success.


The third type is Manifestors. They are only 8%.

They are doers and discoverers. People who are able to create and bring something new. Literally, cut through new doors and passages along which everyone else will already move.

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For example, the person who brought the knowledge of Human Design into the world was a manifestor. It was the manifestor who was able to open this new door for humanity.

Manifest markers: anger or peace.

And resistance is associated with living anger.

The manifestor is the only type that has an artificially created strategy. His strategy is purely social in nature. It is informing others, who may be affected by his decision, of his actions.

Informing removes resistance on the path and brings a sense of peace.

Unlike the manifester, all other types have an active wait strategy.


And the fourth, rarest type is the Reflector. They are only 1-2%.

Strategy: The Reflectors are here to experience the Wonder. They test the surrounding space around for the correctness and integrity of all processes.

And the resistance of the reflectors is lived as a disappointment. What is eliminated when the reflector begins to move along with the lunar cycle. His expectation is guided by the Moon and it takes a month to make decisions.

And this is just a small fraction of the amount of knowledge that can be gleaned from this system.

Proper sleep, nutrition, partnerships, environment and more. Everything that will definitely make your life more balanced and conscious. Everything to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

How human design is useful for an entrepreneur in business

Human design makes it possible to “read” information about a person’s potential and, accordingly, even at the stage of hiring, understand the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate, his abilities and predispositions, says Rafail Valiev, founder and CEO of LLC “Research and Production Center “NovATrans”, founder of the social charity project “Art Gallery TESTO” in Yekaterinburg.

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Even if you do not delve into a detailed analysis of the bodygraph (personal map of life purpose), but simply determine by date of birth which of the four genetic types a person belongs to (Generator, Projector, Reflector, Manifestor), this will already allow you to understand whether the candidate is a “processor” ” or “resultant”, in which tasks it will be more effective, and in which it will be less or even ineffective.

Knowing what type of human design a person belongs to, whether he gives energy (generators and manifestors) or, on the contrary, is charged with energy from others (projectors and reflectors), allows the business owner to unite employees into effective work teams.

In addition, there are several directions in human design, one of which – BG5 (Base Group 5) – is a business consulting. That is, these are consultations on team building, building and developing a business based on knowledge from human design.

But there are some nuances here.

Human design is all about getting people to live according to their natural characteristics. That is, projectors, for example, should not be overly active and take on themselves beyond their capabilities. And generators, on the contrary, must fully realize their excess energy. At the same time, in life it often happens that the generators “sleep”, and the projectors work, as they say, “for themselves and for that guy”.

So it’s not enough just to form an ideal human design team. It is important that all members of this team have this knowledge about themselves and, most importantly, begin to live in accordance with their design. In my opinion, while this is a utopian idea.

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As for my business, we at the company use human design when hiring, but not as a selection criterion, but as additional information on how to communicate with a person in the future and how to build a working relationship with him.

I also use the knowledge of human design for my own development. Every character trait, like a coin, has 2 sides. In some situations, it can manifest itself positively and be useful, and in some situations it can manifest itself negatively and interfere with a person. Human design gives you the opportunity to use your strengths, make the right decisions for yourself, live in harmony with yourself and with the people around you.

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Victoria Charovit
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