How to get rid of anxiety and find peace

5 min read
How to get rid of anxiety and find peace
Picture: Tomert | Dreamstime

Anxiety is the scourge of our times. An objective reason for excitement may be present, but sweating and shaking is an exaggerated reaction. Especially when there is no reason.

Often suspicious and anxious people do not realize that anxiety is a pathological condition. They begin to look for the reasons for its appearance, and remember some incidents, illnesses. Over time, persistent anxiety, tied to one reason or another, gives rise to an independent phobia.

Causes of anxiety

The most common causes include psychological trauma, often rooted in childhood. Also, the leader in the frequency of detection of stress, difficult life situations.

How to get rid of anxiety
Picture: Tinnakorn Jorruang | Dreamstime

For example, aggression from someone, threats. Constant anxiety can develop if the family environment is unfavorable. If parents beat their children, they scream. If the husband beats, if the wife often scandalizes and screams. Any periodically repeating scenarios can adversely affect the psyche. And it will cause anxiety.

Other reasons that also occur:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Failure of the vegetative system.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Injuries and other pathologies of the brain.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Depression at a certain stage.
  • Neurosis
  • Psych.

It happens that a person is constantly tormented by anxiety. The reason is either one or the other. And to get rid of this condition alone does not work. Sedative drugs only partially eliminate the symptom.

Why you should not be afraid to consult a doctor with anxiety

Of course, in order to completely eliminate anxiety, it is necessary to identify the cause. Work out children’s fears, if the reason is in them. This should be done with a doctor. But, if going to the doctor with such a problem was a common thing, such articles would not appear on the net. Not everyone dares to talk about their fears and conditions. It is scary to receive a diagnosis that will affect the rest of your life.

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If you conduct analgia with other diseases, similar situations occur. Let’s say a person has pain in his side. And he does not go to be tested, because he is afraid of getting a terrible diagnosis. How will this help eliminate the disease? No way. The longer the disease is left untreated, the worse it will be in the future. In the early stages, everything is treated faster.

Yes, anxiety does not kill a person. But she exhausts, tires. She makes life a nightmare. Is this life? The first recommendation that will sound in this article is that if there is anxiety, you need to contact a specialist. This does not mean that you need to order a straitjacket in an online store and go to surrender to a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

How to get rid of anxiety
Picture: Andrii Zastrozhnov | Dreamstime

It is enough to call on the phone where they provide psychological assistance. Each region has one. The hotline is free. Qualified psychologists work there, they will help with advice and tell you whether you need an examination by a psychiatrist, or a visit to a psychologist is enough. Perhaps they will help solve the problem without contacting other institutions.

It is important to understand that psychologists do not treat diseases. They work with the norm. They help to resolve temporarily incoming feelings, to respond correctly to stress and conflicts. Psychiatrists work with mental disorders. This includes mild mental disorders.

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Psychoanalysis – the path to the depths of the psyche of the individual
6 min read
Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert

In Russia, there is a stereotype imposed by cinema that psychiatrists work with schizophrenics and people who scream heart-rendingly, tied to beds. Actually, it is not.

Psychiatrists successfully treat phobias, obsessive conditions that prevent a person from living. They also include fears. No one will tie a person with anxiety to a bed. And if the problems are more serious, it is all the more worth seeking professional help. The sooner this happens, the sooner it will be possible to defeat the disease, and return to a healthy and happy life.

Psychological methods of emergency self-help in case of anxiety and panic

There is a whole arsenal of psychological techniques that therapists and dispatchers use on psychological support hotlines:

  1. Anxiety holds muscles. First of all, facial. You need to play with facial expressions. Make a sad face, cheerful, present disgust, courage, jubilation. It is better to focus on positive facial expressions. As a result, keep peace on the face. It will immediately become easier.
  2. We need to get rid of the clamps in the body. To do this, you need to find a quiet closed place where no one will disturb you, and start moving as you like. You need to listen to your body, to your feelings. You can dance, beat the air with your hands, jump. 5 minutes is enough. This will help you let go of your worries.
  3. A contrast shower, pouring cold water on your feet helps to get rid of emotions. This is, if there are no contraindications, colds.
  4. The sweet liquid is soothing. Juice, fruit drink, tea. The main thing is to be sweet, and a lot. Not for diabetics.
  5. Singing helps to relieve the emotional burden. At home, you always need to have karaoke, at least the simplest set: a few backing tracks, a microphone.
  6. You need to rub your hands together until they become hot, and attach them to your chest, to the very center. The condition will improve immediately.
  7. Breathing helps: for 1-2 breaths, for 1-2-3-4 – exhale. Exhalations are twice as long as inhalations. A couple of minutes is enough, and a feeling of calmness will come.

And already in a calm state, you need to analyze the problem. If you can’t make her not scary for yourself on your own, you need to talk to someone else about her. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, asking for help is the wisest thing to do. Much worse: sit and do nothing.

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