How to resolve conflicts at home and at work

7 min read
How to resolve conflicts at home and at work
Picture: Andrii Yalanskyi | Dreamstime

Human life consists of all sorts of contradictions and disagreements. Communication in a society without conflicts, unfortunately, is impossible.

They arise when at least two people interact, because everyone has personal views, priorities, interests, goals. Disagreements arise both in the family and at work. For everyone in life, the family is important. Conflicts that arise at home do not make it possible to be productively engaged in professional activities. Conversely, negative emotions that a person receives at work are transferred to family relationships.

Constructive resolution of conflict situations leads to the harmony of life processes.

Conflicts at work

In the course of the enterprise’s activity, it is important to minimize contradictions or try to avoid them. They affect the performance of the team.

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Employees are less focused on production issues, concentration is lost. Negative emotions, disrespectful attitude towards each other among employees violate the psychological atmosphere. The consequences of work conflicts are manifested in loss of productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover.

Strategies for behavior of work conflicts

To resolve a work conflict, you need to know about behavior strategies. Common strategies are suggested for consideration.

  1. Collaboration requires communication, in the process of which a constructive discussion of the problem takes place and a consensus is reached. This requires a joint search for a solution and psychological efforts.
  2. In a compromise, people agree and come to a common decision, but remain with a personal opinion. Conditional equality is achieved.
  3. Rivalry is characterized by persistent pursuit of personal interests using available means. The leader takes a tough position, forces him to take a personal point of view under any circumstances. It is advisable in extreme situations, in case of the likelihood of dangerous consequences. Often leads to a deterioration in the situation in the team and tension in the emotional atmosphere.
  4. The accommodating style is the opposite of the collaborative style. People try to be diplomatic, maintaining relationships is more important to them. There is a willingness to sacrifice personal interests if a third party intervenes in the conflict or there is an understanding of the need to adopt this strategy of behavior.
  5. Conflict avoidance style doesn’t value conflict, it tries to avoid it. The leader denies the existence of the conflict itself and does not take responsibility for its solution.
conflict resolution
Picture: Andrii Yalanskyi | Dreamstime

When choosing an algorithm of behavior in work conflicts, people evaluate their personal interests and correlate them with the interests of their rival. Collaboration and compromise strategies are the most effective.

Algorithm for resolving conflicts at work

You don’t have to come up with reasons for the conflict. It is desirable to find out the true reason for the disagreement as soon as possible. You need to be flexible when resolving conflicts.

What is acceptable in one situation may not be in another. A conflict that could be resolved at the stage of its inception is more difficult to resolve when the problem escalates. With different types of conflict, there is an order of conduct.

Get the root of the problem

As soon as possible, you need to find out the essence of the conflict situation. With an overly emotional background, the main problem of contradictions often lies. It is necessary for the parties to disagree to clearly explain the essence of the problem. This will allow you to find the most correct way to solve. When the root cause of a disagreement is not identified, a minor cause can evoke negative emotions.

Be able to listen and hear

Before making a decision, you need to respectfully listen to both sides and hear them. At the same time, distance yourself from your own negative emotions. It is important to remember that when making a personal decision, you do not need to succumb to pressure from the outside.

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It is necessary to operate only with facts. When a person is in a state of negative emotions, he does not perceive any arguments, but considers personal arguments to be the most fair. It is impossible to objectively analyze the situation, because in a state of stress a person cannot think sensibly. It is important not to allow subjective impressions to influence the decision. The priority should be interest, not position.

Respond quickly

The main thing is not to ignore conflicts in the team, they spoil the reputation of the company. The leader must promptly eliminate disagreements in the team and take on the function of a regulator of the working atmosphere.

Find solution

Removal of disagreements occurs in two ways: the conflict situation is eliminated or the incident is removed. It is necessary to take into account not only personal claims, but also the claims of the opponent. In this case, it is possible to find an effective solution. One of the effective ways to solve the problem is to minimize the communication of employees who have obvious disagreements.

To form a culture of behavior in the team

Respectful attitude towards each other is an indisputable guarantee of a positive microclimate in the team. Good communication will promote openness, courtesy and trust.
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Picture: Prostockstudio | Dreamstime

Contradictions are always inherent in the life of the team, regardless of how successful the enterprise is. To neutralize disagreements, the leader must be able to choose the right strategy to direct the conflict in a constructive direction.

The solution of conflicts is not in the reconciliation of positions, but in the clarification of interests, which allow choosing the most effective option. If a person is involved in disagreements, he experiences negative emotions: depression, anger, annoyance, indignation. Since many people cannot leave these negative emotions at work, they transfer them to family relationships, as a result, those closest to them suffer from such situations.

Conflicts in the family

Throughout a person’s life, contradictions cannot be avoided; they appear under different life circumstances. The microclimate in the family requires constant attention.

Discontent arises in the family when partners react sharply to contradictions and try to prove their personal innocence. Quarrels can be between children and their parents. They are at different stages of relationships, formed by a whole range of various reasons.

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There are quarrels that help to sort out situations of misunderstanding. But most often the conflicts are negative. Grievances appear in the family, relationships deteriorate, which ultimately leads to divorce. Quarrels have a very negative effect on the psychological state of children. In the future, they will project this form of relationship into a personal family.

In a problem family, unpleasant emotions accumulate, psychotraumas appear. There is no prospect for a warm, tender and trusting relationship in the future.

Possible solutions to conflicts in personal relationships

In order for the family to have mutual understanding, the spouses must mutually make efforts. Happiness is worth fighting for. Possible solutions to contradictions in personal relationships are considered.

  1. When there is a desire of both spouses to come to a mutually beneficial solution, this is cooperation, subject to equality.
  2. With a compromise, the spouses give in to each other, a temporary solution to the problem occurs.
  3. The situation when one of the spouses insists on accepting only their position is called rivalry.
  4. When one of the spouses shows his clear advantage, and the second agrees with his point of view and accepts his position, this behavior is characterized by accommodation.
  5. When there is clear uncertainty about a positive way out of a conflict situation, partners resort to avoidance.
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Picture: Pemika Pholdongnok | Dreamstime

The choice of one of these models will depend on the degree of complexity of the situation.

Ways to resolve conflicts in the family

Open Dialog

It is important to discuss the problem constructively without reproaches and accusations. Determine the cause of the disagreement. As a result, find the optimal solution for both. There is no way to involve interested parties in strife.

Concentration on the problem

In discussing the problem, you need to take into account all the nuances and errors. Don’t decide everything at once. You need to focus on solving one problem.

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The ability to change

It is necessary to be able to change personal position and views, to take steps towards. Do not build illusions, idealize relationships. You can’t exacerbate differences. You need to trust more, minimize jealousy. It is worth treating the interests and hobbies of the spouse with respect. A sense of tact will help to contain the conflict situation.

Understanding partner

It is necessary to avoid ignoring, belittling the personality of the partner, to exclude sexual reproaches, since they are not forgotten. Stubbornness and selfishness lead to great disagreements. It is important to listen carefully and understand what is being said.

Respectful attitude to life partner

Be tolerant of your spouse’s beliefs. It is enough to appreciate, respect the partner, to be aware of mutual opinion in order to positively resolve the conflict situation.


It is important to be able to perceive judgment tactfully, without negative emotions. It is necessary to talk about the merits of a partner. Politely, casually, non-persistently point out shortcomings. Together to overcome difficult situations and learn to live, yielding to each other.

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Picture: Fizkes | Dreamstime
It must be remembered that one of the most important values ​​of marriage is the certainty of understanding. No need to resort to insults or humiliation. This will allow relationships in the family to become harmonious. When both parties are interested in resolving contradictions, this encourages them to cooperate and the conflict is resolved faster, more successfully and less painfully.
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The individual is by nature unique, with a personal opinion worth respecting. There is no need to convince your opponent by proving your personal innocence. We must not forget that disagreements and contradictions do more harm than good.

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