Satoshi Nakamoto – Mysterious Bitcoin Founder

6 min read
Satoshi Nakamoto – Mysterious Bitcoin Founder
Satoshi Nakamoto. Picture:

The rapid attack of the popularity of Bitcoin still remains one of the most discussed.

Recently, the cryptocurrency was called a pacifier, few people believed in the success of the idea, but the results of the last four years will shook even the very old skeptic: February 21, 2021 the cost of cryptocurrencies reached its historical maximum – $ 58,400.

The flow of investment in digital currency is continuous, and experts with confidence declare that in the next three years it will not be interrupted. The fundamental principle that underlies the digital currency: carrying out transactions without the participation of the intermediary in the person of the Central Administrator, which allows you to call the electronic payment system decentralized.

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Who Invented Bitcoin?
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Ratmir Belov

Currently, the inventive minds are trying to unwind the tangle and understand when, why, and most importantly, whom the desired cryptocurrency was created. And if the first two questions managed to find more or less unequivocal answers, the figure of the creator of Bitcoin is still shrouded in the mystery.

The appearance and disappearance of Satoshi Nakamoto

In 2008, the world first learned about Bitcoin, while someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto declared himself by publishing an article describing the principles of the work of this currency. Later, the Bitcoin network was launched and the first version of the virtual wallet appeared.

Satoshi Nakamoto
Satoshi Nakamoto. Picture:

Up until 2011, the founder of the cryptocurrency project often stated: together with like-minded people, Satoshi has developed software in the Bitcoin network and led a lively public correspondence, but after 2011 and to date, the founder of the Bitcoin project did not give any yourself felt.

It is noteworthy that his disappearance happened at the moment when the cryptocurrency began to enjoy wide popularity in the criminal world.

Why Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym and why he was needed

In fact, it is really unknown, rightly Satoshi Nakomoto pseudonym or this is a real name for which a real person is hidden. However, the majority converges on the fact that it is a pseudonym of a person or even a group of people, in favor of what the following arguments say:

  • Satoshi Purchase Location (Japan) with the name with the name gives grounds to assume that the founder of the Bitcoin project is the Japanese. However, to doubt the truth of this information makes the fact that the documentation was fully written in English, moreover, the “Bitcoin” software did not produce localization to Japanese.
  • Dast of birth Nakamoto on April 5, 1975 Many consider “Easter”: on April 5, 1933, the US government conducted financial actions aimed at confiscation of gold from the population, because of which the dollar has ceased to be provided with gold, in connection with which in 1975 was The opposite measure is accepted – the right to storage of gold returned.
  • There is no publication on the Japanese authorship of Satoshi, but the high level of English has forced many to think about whether this language is not given to him.
  • If you translate the name and surname of the creator of Bitcoin from Japanese, then separate words carrying a certain value. The name “Satoshi” means “Clean Mind“, the surname consists of two parts: “Naka” – Communication, “Moto” – Basis.
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Bitcoin – the currency of the future?
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Why did the creator of the project “Bitcoin” decided to remain incognito? It seems surprising that the creator of such a large-scale and successful project is not subject to a simple human vanity. The fact is that the deanonimization of the personality of the creator of cryptocurrency is dangerous primarily for him: Before the appearance of Bitcoin, attempts have already been made to remove the digital currency to the market, many of which ended in deplorable: systems were blocked by the authorities due to suspicion of financing terrorism.

Personification Attempts

Satoshi Nakamoto

Naturally, secrets and riddles can not be without attention to the public, so that attempts to establish the identity of the creator Bitcoin have been undertaken repeatedly. There are several versions, who is hiding under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto:

  1. Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2014, Newsweek published an article that was reported that the creator of cryptocurrencies is a computer engineer Dorian Prentice. A journalist Leia Gudman, who conducted an investigation, as the main arguments brought coincidences in the names, as well as the work of Dorian to the US Department of Defense. In addition, the IP address from which Satoshi transactions was produced. Dorian himself rejects communication with the creation of cryptocurrencies, and in his interview it was repeatedly mistaken in the name Bitcoin.
  2. Nick Sabo. Four years before the appearance of Bitcoin, an article on “digital gold” was published for the authorship of Nick Sabo, where the concept of the digital currency itself was described and the algorithm was proposed for solving cryptographic tasks using computational resources. The project is called Bit Gold and is considered the predecessor of Bitcoin. Because of the similarities in the architecture of Bitcoin and “Digital Gold”, many believe that under the larger mysterious Satoshi dynamo and hiding Nick Sabo. Sabo himself denies.
  3. David Kleman. A strong interest and participation in the development of the cryptocurrency industry adopted the programmer David Kleman, because of what was also included in the list of suspects in the creation of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, he never commented on hypotheses extended.
  4. Craig Wright. In 2015, the partner of David Khaiman Craig Worde Police searched, after which Wright publicly stated that he was supposedly the creator of Bitcoin. The crypto community initially reacted to this recognition with a certain skepticism, and after the refusal of Wright, to submit evidence that would confirm the truth of words, and completely dispersed in such a version.
  5. Hal Finni. The American programmer Hal Finnie is the one who was associated with Bitcoin from the moment of his appearance. He received the first transaction of Bitcoin directly from Satoshi Nakamoto. About the involvement of Finni to the creation of cryptocurrency testifies to the fact that at the same time he lived suspiciously close to Dorian Prentis, another applicant for the role of Satoshi. In addition, the disappearance of Satoshi Nakamoto in an amazing way coincided with Finnie’s retirement. Alas, but to wait for any comments from Finni will not be able to: In 2014, the outstanding programmer died.
  6. group of people. In 2016, FINANCIAL TIMES business newspaper put forward a version that under the pseudonym Satoshi Satoshu is hidden not one person, but a group of people. As possible participants, the names of the previously mentioned Nick Sabo, Hal Finni and Adam Beck, the developer of the HashCash system, similar to and in the Bitcoin network, were named after the possible participants. Beck, as well as Sabo, rejected the hypothesis about its involvement in the project.
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Conspiracy theories: why do people believe in them?
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The list of people who approached the role of Satoshi Nakamoto, is regularly replenished. The above versions are considered the most believable, but many others are advanced. Be that as it may, the mystery of the personality of the creator of Bitcoin still remains underestimated.

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