Grapefruit – a dietary fruit discovered by a Welsh priest

8 min read
Grapefruit – a dietary fruit discovered by a Welsh priest
Picture: Igor Terekhov | Dreamstime

Botanical reference books tell how grapefruit grows, where it is grown, why it is so highly valued. Scientists call the fruit pompelmus. It is an evergreen tree known since 1750. Europeans, having learned where grapefruit grows (in Barbados, Jamaica, in Brazil, South Africa), called it a small sheddock because of its similarity to a pomelo.

The modern name appeared in 1814. The breed is a random cross between an orange, a pomelo. Belongs to citrus fruits, the genus Rutov. The fruit is similar to an orange, but bitter, sour. This is a dietary product. Size – up to 15 cm in diameter. The flesh is colored yellow or red. The peel is yellow, sometimes with a reddish tint. Now the leader in the cultivation of the hybrid is China. The top three manufacturers also include the United States and Mexico.

Nutritional value

The composition of grapefruit explains its benefits to the human body. This is a dietary product: 100 g of pulp contains 35 calories. Among the nutrients, carbohydrates are in the lead, mainly in the form of mono-, disaccharides.

The benefits of grapefruit are associated with fiber saturation. The product contains vitamins, micro-, macroelements, organic acids.

Chemical composition of grapefruit

  • iodine;
  • cobalt;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B9;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • sodium
Picture: Vgstudio | Dreamstime

The benefits of grapefruit for women and men are related to the composition – per 100 g there are:

  • proteins – 0.7 g;
  • water – 90.9 g;
  • lipids – 0.2 g;
  • inorganics – 0.31 g;
  • fiber – 1.8 g;
  • sugars – 6.98 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.5 g

Benefits of grapefruit

The properties of grapefruit are similar to those of other citrus fruits. They have a particularly strong effect if a person constantly receives a sufficient amount of fruit with food.

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Victoria Mamaeva
Pharmacy Expert
  • Its ingredients prevent and eliminate hepatic, cardiac, vascular, respiratory, gastric, intestinal, skin diseases.
  • The product is useful for the gallbladder, inhibits inflammation, activates the immune system and tones the body as a whole.
  • The benefits of grapefruit for the body are explained by its ability to cleanse the bloodstream of harmful cholesterol fractions. The product activates insulin, therefore it is recommended for diabetics.
  • Thanks to its beneficial properties, grapefruit is an indispensable element of the diet. The benefits of grapefruit for weight loss are due to the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, excess fluid.
  • The components of the fruit activate the metabolism.
  • Finding out how grapefruit is useful for the body, scientists have established its effect on the immune system. The fruit is recommended for weakened natural defenses of the body. It must be included in the diet of a person recovering from a long and serious illness, surgery.
  • Pompelmus is useful for chronic fatigue.
  • The benefits and harms of grapefruit (red, white) are related to its chemical composition: the product contains antioxidants, vitamins, tonic elements; while a negative effect on the body is observed only with excessive use or neglect of contraindications. Including fruit in the diet speeds up the healing of the infection.
  • By establishing the benefits and harms of grapefruit juice, they found out antifungal activity. The product contains antimicrobial ingredients.
  • Not only the positive qualities of fresh fruit have been established: the benefits of dried grapefruit are also great. It is somewhat less pronounced than usual, so the product is more often used in dietetics.
Picture: Onepony | Dreamstime
Fruit essential oil is an antidepressant. Baths with the addition of a few drops of the extract are especially useful.

Useful properties of grapefruit and contraindications for use are interesting for their diversity.

  • In establishing the benefits and harms of grapefruit, scientists have found that pompelmus is an important element in a healthy diet for an elderly person. It must be included in the menu with an increased risk of heart disease, blood vessels, endocrine pathologies. The benefits and harms of grapefruit for the body are associated with its ability to change blood saturation with cholesterol and sugar. Thanks to the components, the fruit strengthens the vascular walls.
  • Due to its properties, grapefruit essential oil is used in cosmetology. This product is part of anti-pigmentation creams, anti-cellulite formulations and rash treatments. At home, on non-inflamed skin, fresh fruit juice is used for these purposes. Due to its soothing properties, grapefruit oil is common in aromatherapy.
  • The beneficial properties of grapefruit (white, red) are due to the content of vitamins. With one fetus, a person receives half the amount of ascorbic acid required per day. Vitamins A and R are also supplied. Due to the properties of grapefruit oil, the use of the fruit is relevant not only to support immunity and saturation of the body with vitamin C, but also to eliminate stress. The substance improves performance. Even cleansing the fetus with your hands contributes to a better mood, and the absorption of the pulp makes a person more cheerful, more fun.
  • The beneficial properties of grapefruit, suites were studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Scientists have proven the ability of fruits to rid the blood of harmful inclusions. The most useful varieties with bright pink flesh. They contain more pectin than others. Vegetable fibers present in the fruit stimulate the digestive processes. Explaining how to properly take grapefruit for its benefits, doctors advise eating pompelmus fresh. It affects intestinal functionality, prevents constipation, and helps with chronic stool problems.
  • Clarifying the effect of grapefruit on the body, scientists have proven the antioxidant activity of the fruit. The fruit preserves youth, helps to maintain health. It contains carotenoids, naringenin. These substances are useful in most diseases.
  • Due to the abundance of potassium, the product helps the work of blood vessels. It prevents atherosclerosis, is considered a means of preventing heart failure.
  • The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice are associated with effects on liver health. They are due to the content of naringenin. Studies have proven the ability of the substance to reduce the activity of the hepatitis C virus by 80%. The benefits and harms of grapefruit for the liver are still being investigated, but it is well established that as a preventive measure at the risk of getting hepatitis, the fruit is useful.
  • The benefits and harms of grapefruit for pregnant women are associated with an effect on blood quality. During the period of “interesting situation” many are faced with anemia. Pomegranate juice and a little sheddock are the best ways to fix the problem.
  • But the benefits of grapefruit at night are largely due to the dietary qualities of the product. Just a couple of pieces are enough to moderate your appetite, improve digestion, and eliminate junk food from your diet.
  • Scientists have found out how grapefruit is useful for a woman’s body. It improves mood and immunity, is indispensable for diet and is useful for blood restoration. Scientists advise to include a hybrid in the diet every month. During pregnancy, it relieves toxicosis.
  • The benefits of grapefruit for men are due to the positive effect on the heart, gastrointestinal tract. Pompelmus is especially useful for athletes, as it helps to recover from stress. The antioxidants contained in the fetus protect the prostate gland from neoplasms.
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Pharmacy Expert
Earlier, pompelmus was used to disinfect wounds.


  • Harm is associated with the ability to increase, decrease the effectiveness of certain drugs. If you need to take pills, you first need to consult with your doctor if it is possible to include fruit in your diet.
  • When taking contraceptives, they refuse pompelmus, as the product minimizes the effectiveness of the remedy, can react with it and harm the body.
  • Not recommended in case of liver disease.
  • Prolonged abundant absorption of the pulp leads to darkening, deterioration of the quality of tooth enamel.
  • There is some harm associated with the zest. Products sold in stores are pre-treated and coated with shine agents. Doctors recommend not to eat the peel of the fruit.


Pompelmus is used not only for food, but also in medicine (including folk medicine), cosmetology, and dietetics. Fruits are needed for:

  • ischemia;
  • gout;
  • breaking the chair;
  • anemia;
  • bleeding gums;
  • viral disease;
  • skin pathology;
  • edema.
Picture: Monika Adamczyk | Dreamstime

The benefits of grapefruit partitions, juice and fruit pulp are known for people who have had a serious illness. The product helps to recover, restore appetite, improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

The benefits of grapefruit peels are especially great for menopause and pregnancy, postpartum depression. Doctors advise using different parts of the fruit with a sedentary life, increased stress (including intellectual), fatigue, nervous exhaustion. The medicinal properties of grapefruit seeds made them an element of the obesity prevention course, lowering the concentration of lipoproteins.

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Pharmacy Expert

In diabetes, the diet includes fruits, tea from dried zest.

Pompelmus is used in cooking. Mostly fresh fruits are consumed. You can cook with them:

  • jam;
  • juice;
  • marinade;
  • candied fruit;
  • sauce;
  • dessert;
  • jam;
  • mousse

Juice is added to cocktails. As a spice, pompelmus is used for poultry, game, salads and confectionery. Peel – a source of oil and pectin, in demand in the distillery industry.

  • The use of pompelmus in cosmetology has become more and more active over the years. The fruits have rejuvenating qualities, so they are common in spas. They make face masks that get rid of wrinkles and prevent skin aging.
  • Pulp, juice is used to eliminate excess fat, treat acne. The product helps to remove age spots, whiten the skin.
  • The oil prevents and eliminates freckles.
  • Peel lotion is a firming, nourishing remedy. Peel massage helps to heal the skin of the hands, make the covers soft, strengthen the nails.
  • Essential oil is used in skin and hair care. It makes the covers soft, fresh, light; helps in the fight against cellulite. Baths with essential oil and juice are popular, making the integument of the body velvety.
  • Oil eliminates oily hair, strengthens hair. Usually added to shampoos, masks. The seed extract is used for disinfection.
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Pompelmus essence is an ingredient in expensive perfumes.


Grapefruit (pompelmus) is a healthy fruit with a specific taste, recommended to almost everyone. It prevents many diseases

It is especially recommended by nutritionists, because it eliminates excess weight and prevents excess weight gain. Often a small sheddock is used in cosmetology.

Since certain harm is possible, it is first necessary to clarify whether the product conflicts with the prescribed drug program, whether it is tolerated by the body. Pompelmus should be eaten in reasonable amounts so as not to harm yourself.

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