Garlic is a plant valued by many ancient peoples

8 min read
Garlic is a plant valued by many ancient peoples
Picture: Olesya1041sh | Dreamstime

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant from the Onion subfamily. Vegetable crops began to be cultivated in North Asia – Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Research proves that it originated from a long-pointed bow that grew in the gorges of the mountains.


According to the clay tablets of the Sumerians, dated 2600 BC, the plant was already mentioned then. It was considered to protect crops from pests. Egyptian legends say that the slaves, during the construction of the pyramids, were given garlic cloves during meals in order to increase their strength.

In Greece, garlic with honey was taken on an empty stomach, because. believed that it is beneficial in the treatment of lung diseases and does not harm male potency. The Europeans used it to treat the plague, and the Romans used it as a remedy for parasites.

There is also a subspecies of black garlic, which also promises health benefits, but does not affect the freshness of breath. The color of the fruit is due to the enzyme present in it, which affects the taste and aroma. According to studies, the black fruit contains more life-giving substances and has a beneficial effect on the whole person.

Picture: Anne Marie Hudon | Dreamstime
The spicy vegetable capital of the world is Las Pedroneras, a city in Spain.

Nutritional value

The advantage of garlic is undeniable, because. it contains a lot of medicinal substances. The chemical composition and nutritional value in 100 grams is: manganese (1.12 mg), magnesium (24-26 mg) selenium (14.2 mg), iron (1.7 mg), zinc (1.16 mg), phosphorus (153 mg), copper (0.3), calcium (181). In addition, it contains vitamins of groups B, A, E, K, and vitamin C 52% of the daily requirement.

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3 medium garlic cloves have only 13 calories, 3 grams of carbs, 2 grams of sodium, 1 gram of protein, and no fat or fiber.

Benefits of garlic

  • Garlic is good for intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, and harms fungal pathogens.
  • The plant also strengthens the immune system, inhibits the development of harmful microorganisms and prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  • The fruits bring invaluable benefits to the health of the cardiovascular system – it normalizes blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol and thins the blood.
  • In addition, the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract – it promotes the outflow of bile, the removal of mucus and the production of gastric juice.

The benefits of garlic for the body of a man

  • The benefits to male nature cannot be underestimated, although it can also be harmful to health. Since ancient times, it has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac, it fights sexual dysfunction, puts potency in order, and improves the speed of spermatozoa.
  • In addition, doctors say that regular consumption of fresh fruit will benefit the entire body, reduce the risk of a harmful prostate tumor.
  • In addition, it is great at fighting infections that lead to male infertility.
Picture: Valentyn75 | Dreamstime

The benefits of garlic for a woman’s body

  • British scientists presented the results of studies, according to which fresh garlic brings great benefits to women’s health, and alcohol tinctures also do not harm, for example, prevent the development of femoral osteoarthritis. This disease affects people over 50 and destroys the spine, knee joints, which leads to chronic pain.
  • Beneficial features affect the entire body, including appearance. Oil-based hair masks help with hair loss, reduce sebum production, increase blood circulation and thoroughly cleanse the scalp.
  • Taking two cloves in the morning on an empty stomach will bring benefits – this will lead to burning fat, improving metabolism and losing weight. To avoid bad breath, it is best to use dried cloves, which also provide health benefits and do not harm fresh breath.
  • The plant has a preventive effect in the fight against the appearance of cancerous tumors in the uterus and breasts, removes toxins and toxins, and destroys pathogens.


  • For the human body, it is not only beneficial, but also harmful. For example, volatile substances contained can lead to poisoning.
  • People with a weak stomach should not add a lot of this spice to food, so as not to cause heartburn.
  • People prone to allergic reactions and small children should not be added to food fresh.


  • Despite the positive properties, the product has restrictions on the use, for example, for men who have liver or gastrointestinal diseases, eating a vegetable can cause a deterioration in the condition. In some cases, an eaten clove leads to indigestion or dysbacteriosis.
  • In addition, in the list of contraindications for both women and men, there is an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components, therefore, despite its medicinal qualities, it is forbidden to use it.
  • The spice should not be abused, because this leads to problems with the central nervous system, headaches, absent-mindedness, problems with memory, attention and reaction speed.

Healing properties of garlic

  • Healing properties have long been known, it has an antimicrobial effect, which helps the body fight infections, herpes and colds.
  • In diabetes, the fetus is useful, because. reduces sugar levels.
  • Due to its positive qualities, the plant is often used in folk medicine, for example, for bronchitis, it is mixed with honey and taken 3 times a day.
  • Water mixed with a chopped vegetable is beneficial, after a short infusion, and is used to kill worms.
  • Just one clove of garlic at night will not only not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will bring invaluable help for immunity.
  • Alcohol tincture is also known for its medicinal properties, which is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduce weight, and improve well-being.
  • With dysbacteriosis, constipation and worms, kefir with garlic juice will help, but you should be careful for those who have gastritis, exacerbation of ulcers, liver or kidney diseases, because. this can harm and worsen the condition.
  • An infusion of cloves in water with the addition of ground lemon helps with problems with the stomach and blood vessels, but can cause allergies in case of individual intolerance. The product is useful for the condition of the liver, however, in chronic diseases, this remedy can lead to sad consequences. For diseases of the pancreas, you need to visit the hospital and talk with your doctor so as not to harm or worsen the condition.
  • For the prevention of colds, take a mixture of equal parts of apple cider vinegar and honey with peeled slices, take 2 tablespoons in the morning.
  • The husk is insisted on water, because. it has a lot of medicinal properties, for example, for diarrhea, take a tablespoon of ground husk and pour boiling water, how to take – drink a glass during the day in small sips.
  • For sore throat, cough and runny nose, a decoction based on chopped pieces of garlic will help, which must be taken once a day so as not to harm the digestive tract.
  • To clean the vessels, a decoction is used, which includes honey, ginger, lemon and a few cloves, drink a tablespoon of the mixture before eating.
  • To cleanse the liver, gallbladder and vascular system, a drink is prepared that is recommended for daily intake. Ingredients of the drink: pomegranate, vegetable cloves, lemon, ginger and linseed oil, mix everything in a mixer and drink in small sips for an hour.
Picture: Somakram | Dreamstime
Korean scientists have proven that due to the excellent composition, the risk of cancerous tumors of the kidneys, prostate, intestines, ovaries, larynx and esophagus is reduced.

Healthy garlic recipes

The taste and aroma of spices made him a regular guest on the table of hostesses. It is prepared as an independent dish, added during conservation and as a seasoning during cooking.

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One of the popular and at the same time human-friendly snacks is wild garlic – pickled arrows, it will harm only in case of individual intolerance.

  • Baked garlic is not only a tasty product, but also healthy, thanks to the cooking technique, most of the vitamins are preserved and do not harm the body. To prepare, take a few heads, peel to the last layer, cut off the top, brush with olive oil, wrap in foil and bake at 180 degrees. The dish is mashed, added to sauces, dressings and smeared on sandwiches.
  • Salted lard with garlic has a double benefit, because both ingredients boost immunity, but people with gastrointestinal problems should be wary of the spice, because it can lead to problems. To prepare the dish, you need to mix two ingredients (lard and garlic), add salt, spices and twist through a meat grinder, after which the mixture is used for sandwiches.
  • Tomato juice with chopped cloves is useful and easy to make, you need to put chopped vegetables and roll up jars while boiling the juice.
Interesting fact! Rocambole or onion-garlic has a lot of necessary vitamins and features, for example, it stops the processes of decay in the intestines, soothes toothache, helps with stomatitis, disinfects and relieves inflammation.

How to get rid of garlic breath

Many who love this spice wonder why the smell lasts so long and is so hard to kill. The thing is that the vegetable contains an essential oil that contains allicin and other organic sulfur compounds that interact with oral bacteria and start to smell bad from the mouth.

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But there are some effective tips on how to get rid of bad breath after eating a spicy product at a meal:

  • rinse your mouth after eating and eat some parsley leaves;
  • Pine or walnut kernels, almonds will help eliminate the smell;
  • A glass of milk after a meal will also help avoid lingering odors;
  • Citrus fruits are also successful in combating unpleasant consequences after consuming the product.


Eating garlic every day strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to various viral infections.

For permanent protection, it is required to eat a piece of vegetable several times a day, but do not forget about the harmful properties of garlic, so you should not abuse the spice.

If the weight of a clove is 3 g, then a person weighing up to 70 kg is recommended to eat no more than 17 g, 90 kg – 22 g, 115 kg – 28 g.
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