Banana – the popularity of this fruit speaks for itself

11 min read
Banana – the popularity of this fruit speaks for itself

Few people know on which tree such popular fruits as bananas grow. Where do bananas grow – mainly in South Asia, Malaysia, Latin America, the islands of Japan.

However, there are a number of countries that grow them on an industrial scale, for example, in Brazil, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Thailand. This is a moisture-loving plant, however, the root system can go 1.5 meters deep in search of life-giving moisture.

There are more than 70 varieties of bananas, which are divided into 3 subtypes:

  • dessert are eaten without requiring heat treatment;
  • plantanos (large vegetable bananas) are cooked before consumption, such as fried, boiled, baked and steamed;
  • decorative have inedible fruits that are used in textile products.


The history of the origin of bananas began in the 17th century BC, and the Malay Archipelago is considered their homeland. It is believed that the inhabitants grew the plant and consumed it along with fish to diversify their diet.

Starting to travel to the nearest islands, they brought the delicacy, and thus it was distributed. But for many countries, it still remained an exotic fruit, because. required during transportation to maintain a certain storage temperature. And only after the invention of refrigeration plants, bananas became available to everyone (XIX century).

Where and how do green bananas ripen – so that they do not ripen ahead of time, they are plucked still green, processed and transported on ships with refrigeration units, the temperature in which does not exceed 14 degrees. It is this temperature that slows down the ripening process.

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How bananas are processed during transportation – the ethylene gassing procedure carried out during transportation makes ripening uniform, with no harm. This gas is harmless to humans and does not impair taste.

Interesting fact! It turns out that despite the fact that they grow like trees, this is a herbaceous plant, and its fruits are berries.

Nutritional value of a banana

  • Bananas contain proteins, sugar, starch, carbohydrates, pectins and very little fat. Minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium.
  • What vitamins does it contain – PP, C, E and representatives of group B, which bring undoubted benefits to a person.
  • In addition, 1 banana contains fiber, which keeps you feeling full.
The composition of a banana per 100 g: proteins – 1.5 g, fats – 0.5 g, carbohydrates – 21 g. The calorie content of a banana depends on the chemical composition and external condition, for example, a ripe one contains up to 120 kcal, overripe – 175 kcal, and green – 89 kcal.

The Benefits of Bananas

  • Due to the low fat content, bananas are low in calories, and this is good for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but care must be taken, its high glucose content, which leads to hunger, is harmful.
  • Useful properties apply to the entire banana without exception. The pulp is a dietary food and is indicated in the treatment of stomach ulcers and diseases of the oral cavity. An infusion of flowers helps with bronchitis and diabetes, the juice of the stems has an anticonvulsant effect. Even the peel of a banana has beneficial properties, it helps with burns and boils, and is also used as a fertilizer for houseplants.
  • In addition, bananas produce an antioxidant that fights cancer cells, but can harm the body if, for example, consumed before meals.
  • Thanks to fiber and microelements, fruits are good for the heart, because. their consumption reduces the risk of stroke and other heart diseases. In addition, the product regulates blood pressure, heart rate and brain activity.
  • Constant use regulates glucose levels, prevents anemia, maintains bone health due to the presence of potassium in its composition, which slows down calcium leaching.
  • Due to the calming effect, irritation, fatigue and depression pass faster due to vitamin B6, which stimulates the production of serotonin.
  • Provides healthy kidneys with potassium, which regulates the water-salt balance.
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Interesting! 100 g of banana does not contain cholesterol and has only 0.1 g of saturated fatty acids.

Banana benefits for women

Bananas are extremely useful, although they can be harmful, for a woman’s body. Regular use will improve skin condition, remove toxins and toxins, increase the production of oxytocin, reduce pain during menstruation and reduce the number of migraines.


The benefits for pregnant women are that they contain a lot of vitamin B6 and minerals, they fight heartburn, constipation, bad mood, insomnia, and harm is manifested with excess weight and individual intolerance. Therefore, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Banana benefits for men

Also for the body of a man, bananas are beneficial and harmful. For those who lead an active lifestyle, this product is extremely important, because it increases muscle regeneration, improves the condition of the ligaments and fills the body with energy.

The fruit relieves swelling, fights inflammation in the oral cavity, improves the functioning of the stomach. Men with obesity, blood problems, sleep disorders and a tendency to allergies should be careful.

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The fruit is also considered an excellent aphrodisiac. It has been proven that eating bananas improves sexual performance: erection, prolonged sexual intercourse.

Banana benefits for children

In order to benefit from a banana, it is necessary to introduce it gradually into the menu for children. It can be given starting from six months, because it improves immunity, improves memory, attention, sleep and is involved in the formation of bone and muscle systems. The harm of bananas for children is obvious only in the case of an allergic reaction, which, however, can also begin in an adult.

Interesting fact! What the body lacks if you want bananas is potassium, which supports the work of the heart and the whole body.


Like all products, there are useful properties, but there are contraindications. People suffering from the diseases listed below should not eat these fruits, because. they irritate the intestines, thicken the blood, remove fluid and lead to weight gain:

  • overweight;
  • ischemia;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Due to the high sugar content, people with diabetes need to be careful.

How to eat bananas

Can I eat bananas at night

When dieting, people wonder if eating a banana before bed is good or bad. So that the product does not harm, it is necessary to use it an hour before bedtime, this will fill you with a feeling of satiety, and set you up for a sound sleep. It also calms the nervous system. However, a banana with milk is of no benefit, because. enhance fermentation processes and lead to bloating.

A common question: how long does it take to digest in the human body – a ripe banana is about 40 minutes, and a green one is about an hour.

Can I eat bananas while breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, the mother’s diet is limited, so in order to add a new one, you need to know exactly if it can be eaten. The product is very important, it makes up for the lack of elements and minerals, and therefore it is extremely careful, but it can be introduced into the diet.

Can I eat bananas on an empty stomach

A banana on an empty stomach will not bring anything good, but it can do harm, because. lead to an imbalance of magnesium and calcium.

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Important! To get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to eat 1-2 bananas, for example, for breakfast, because they contain a third of the daily requirement of potassium, but you should be careful, because its excess can be harmful.

Can I eat blackened bananas

These fruits are only useful if they do not have grooves or cracks, otherwise fruit flies could lay their larvae in them, and this is harmful to humans. Small dark spots on the peel will not affect the quality of the berry.

Bananas in sports

After training, the athlete has a window of 30 minutes when he can consume carbohydrates. You can eat just a berry, or you can mix cottage cheese with a banana and get the most out of the two ingredients, bring a feeling of satiety and not gain extra calories.

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Interesting fact! What time, except after training, is it better to eat bananas. It is believed that the period before lunch is ideal, because. towards evening, glucose is not excreted, but settles and leads to weight gain.

Which bananas are healthier

  • The green look bananas is neither healthier nor more harmful than yellow ones, because they have the same composition of microelements. The only difference is that starch turns into sugar as it matures. Unripe berries improve the functioning of the digestive tract, do not increase sugar levels and give a feeling of satiety.
  • Dried bananas have undoubted benefits. contain 2 times more carbohydrates, but do not change their calorie content, in addition, they do not harm people prone to allergies. Indicated for use in diseases of the brain, heart, liver and intestinal problems.
  • Dried bananas keep longer, retain all the benefits, regulate the cardiovascular system and remove harmful excess fluid.
  • Despite the availability, some people use frozen bananas, they do not cause harm, they have the same calorie content, but they can be useful when making ice cream, pastries and desserts, bringing maximum benefits.
  • To diversify the diet, you can add baked bananas, which retain trace elements during processing.


Bananas in medicine

For its properties, the product is used in the treatment of certain diseases.

  • In diabetes, it is recommended to use green or yellow fruits, but boiled. With a lack of sugar, you can eat a ripe fruit, the glycemic index of which is 50 units.
  • Banana is beneficial for pancreatitis, because. envelops the walls of the stomach and regulates the processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In the treatment of gastritis, due to the properties of bananas, inflammatory processes are reduced.
  • For problems with the intestines, they are also indicated for admission, because. they promote bowel movements.
  • Constant use helps with constipation, because. helps soften bowel movements.
  • In case of gout, they have an effect on inflammatory processes, relieve pain.
  • During an exacerbation of colitis, bananas are added to the diet, for example, small ones promise as much benefit as large ones.
  • Fruits remove toxins and therefore are incredibly healing for the liver.
  • Unpleasant sensations during exacerbation of hemorrhoids constantly haunt the patient, if fruits are added to the diet, then problems in the work of the stomach and intestines will be eliminated and the exacerbation will pass more calmly.
  • Even with cholecystitis, berries can be consumed, but this should be done carefully and in small quantities.

Bananas in cosmetology

banana essential oil, which is used as an additional ingredient in face cream, also has medicinal properties.

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It fortifies, perfectly softens the skin, eliminates dryness, peeling and dandruff, reduces the fat content of the head. In addition, they lubricate dry elbows, rough skin on the heels, it leads to softening of the skin and makes it tender and soft. Also, the oil eliminates brittle nails, strengthening the plate and making it dense and uniform.

Folk remedies with banana

  • 1 tbsp hair mask l. honey and lemon juice, as well as a crushed banana, applied to the hair roots for several hours, will saturate with vitamins, strengthen the hair follicles and reduce fat content.
  • Banana can be used to make a face mask, it will be especially useful for those who have very dry skin. To do this, you need to take 2 tsp. fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp. pulp, yolk and 1 tsp. camphor oil, mix until smooth and apply to the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. As a result, the skin will become soft, become fresh, nourished, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and dryness will disappear.
  • There is a folk recipe with a banana for coughing, for this you can mix half a teaspoon of honey, a glass of boiling water and a crumpled fruit, let it brew and drink half a glass warm every 2 hours. Children can cook another recipe – crushed fruit, 2 tsp. cocoa, honey and a glass of hot milk, mix and drink hot in small sips.

Bananas in cooking

The product is actively added to smoothies, cocktails, pancake toppings and muffins are baked with them, in addition, they are prepared as an independent dish, for example, fried or baked.

That’s interesting! To wake up in the morning, you can take a ripe banana, a glass of coffee and a glass of milk, mix in a blender, and a drink full of benefits is ready to drink.


It is quite difficult to get an overdose from fruits, but we should not forget the high content of potassium in them, which is also found in other vegetables. If the mineral norm of 3500 mg is exceeded, the stomach may ache, nausea and diarrhea will occur. Especially careful should be those who suffer from kidney disease, because. a decrease in efficiency leads to a slow removal of the substance.

Regular consumption of bananas in moderation will have a strengthening effect on the immune system, saturate with vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, which is very important for humans.

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