How to save money – tips for all occasions

9 min read
How to save money – tips for all occasions
Picture: Bylenses | Dreamstime

Most people faced the problem of lack of finances to purchase a purchase. In this case, the only way out is to save and save.

This article describes effective ways in which the reader will determine how to save money for him.

How to save money for a teenager

In the conditions of having only one source of income, the only way to accumulate funds is to save. But the economy of economy is different: it must be approached responsibly. In order to understand how to learn how to save money, you need to acquire the skills of financial discipline.

How to save money for a teenager? This is not very easy, since schoolchildren have no other sources of income other than pocket money given by their parents. Under such conditions, savings can only be made if they are managed wisely.

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How can a teenager save money? For this you need:

  • determine the exact amount the teenager wants to save;
  • to use a piggy bank. So the money will not be constantly in sight, so the temptation to spend it will be less;
  • It is wise to use your pocket money. Many teenagers save money on school lunches, but still buy chips, sweets and soda after school. If you eat in the canteen, then this will help not only save money, but also maintain health;
  • to save “gift” money. It is difficult for teenagers to please with a gift for their birthday and New Year, so for the holidays they often receive money from relatives and godparents. This will be a significant contribution to the piggy bank;
  • find a way to work. Officially, children can work from the age of 14, subject to the consent of one of the parents, in their free time from school. Work should not distract a teenager from studies and cause harm to his health. A student can put up ads, distribute leaflets, walk dogs. And best of all – if the income is a hobby! For example, many people are passionate about editing photos or writing comments on social networks, but on the freelance exchange you can get money for this.

How can a student save money? Adolescents are encouraged to keep a diary in which income is recorded. This will help you understand how much more time it will take to accumulate the required amount.

How to save money as an adult

How to save money? It is not always easy for adults, just like teenagers, to control the financial flow. Many are faced with a situation where only a few days have passed after the salary, and most of the funds have been spent. This indicates ignorance of the rules of financial literacy.

How to save money
Picture: Tapanakorn Katvong | Dreamstime

How to learn to save money and save money for an adult working person? For this you need:

  • create the right mental attitude. You should sketch out a plan on a piece of paper: fix the size of the desired amount, determine the amount of money that needs to be set aside every month to achieve the goal. After that, it is recommended to visualize the goal, that is, to imagine what exactly will be purchased for the accumulated amount and what benefit it will bring to the owner;
  • Setting aside a certain amount each month in a way that does not cause much damage to the quality of life. Different sources advise different indicators: from 10% to 30%, but in practice it turns out that the optimal indicator is 10-15% of total income;
  • Install an application on a mobile device or computer that allows you to control your finances. Money Manager, Monefy, Zen-Money, Where is the money? Most of these applications are free, which is again a benefit;
  • review expense items and understand what you can save on. For example, you can refuse to buy new things if your wardrobe has everything you need, reduce the number of trips to cafes and restaurants;
  • Always make sure that income exceeds expenses.
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Compliance with these rules may seem simple, but practice shows that it is quite difficult to part with the old habits that relate to financial management. In this case, you need to show perseverance in order to achieve your goal in the future.

Interesting fact! The art of accumulating money is a hot topic in literature. Many useful books have been written about this, for example, Fast Money in Slow Times by R. Allen and M.W. Hansen, “There is always money” by R. Argashokov, “Money and abundance” by L. Bourbo.

How to save money for an apartment

How to save money for an apartment? This question is of interest to many people who want to buy their own housing immediately, without a mortgage. This is much more difficult than saving money for a phone, laptop or washing machine, but it is doable, although it will take a lot of time.

How to save money for an apartment? Need:

  • find out the required amount of savings and determine how much money you need to set aside each month in order to purchase an apartment in a year (two, three or more – it all depends on income and the amount that will be set aside each month);
  • open a deposit in a reliable bank with interest capitalization. This will significantly speed up the process of accumulating funds: the money will not just lie at home, but will work and generate income. For example, Sberbank has a “Record” deposit with an increased percentage (up to 7.15%). The minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles. Deposit term – from 7 months to 1.5 years;
  • keep strict records of income and expenses. This can be done using mobile applications, which have already been mentioned, or a regular notebook. All expenses must be included here. This will help you analyze which expense items can be reduced and thus increase the amount of monthly savings;
  • save on utility bills. If the apartment has not yet installed water and gas meters, then it’s time to do it.
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How to quickly save money? Those who want to quickly earn money for their own apartment should think about additional earning options. You can pay attention to working on the Internet – these are ways such as writing articles, playing games with the accumulation and withdrawal of money, installing applications for which money is paid. Check out the study on in which regions of Russia you can quickly save up for an apartment?

Interesting fact! There are also such options – the conclusion of a life annuity agreement, obtaining a mortgage loan secured by existing housing, buying an apartment on a mortgage and renting it out.

How to save money for a car

How to save money for a car without resorting to lending and loans? First of all, you need to set realistic goals. So, economists believe that the cost of a major purchase should not exceed the amount, which consists of the income of the whole family for 8-12 months.

How to save money
Picture: Artur Szczybylo | Dreamstime

For example, if the total monthly income of the family is 30,000 rubles, then you need to select a car whose cost will not exceed 360,000 rubles.

Once a goal is defined, you can begin to implement it. As a basis, the following plan is suitable:

  • creation of an item of mandatory expenses (payment of utility bills, Internet, kindergarten, food, transport;
  • daily recording of expenses, which will allow you to identify unnecessary items of expenditure;
  • Distribution of received salary. In this case, the envelope method works well. Each of them must be signed according to the items of expenditure: “Mandatory”, “Food”, “Clothing”, “Unforeseen expenses”, “Medications” and “Savings” – a predetermined amount is put in the latter.

How to save money for a car quickly? To speed up the accumulation process, you need to create additional sources of income – active or passive.

How to save money with a small salary

Not every person can boast of a highly paid job. In such conditions, the question becomes especially relevant: how to save money with a small salary?

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The goals can be different: going on vacation, teaching children, repairs, treatment. How to start saving money if the salary barely allows you to provide for household needs? In this case, you need to know ways to save money with a small salary, for example:

  • use electricity, gas and water more economically, which will reduce utility bills;
  • choose more economical tariffs for the Internet and mobile communications;
  • to give up unhealthy and useless products – semi-finished products, ready meals, carbonated drinks;
  • save on household items. You can buy high-quality shampoos, washing powders, etc. in large packages, which are produced by little-known but reliable brands;
  • Before going to the store, make a list of everything you need and take a fixed amount so that you only have enough for what you planned;
  • get a debit bank card with cashback (accrual interest after purchases to the account);
  • Refuse credit cards. They charge high interest, and besides, saving is more realistic when using cash.

You can also save money with a small salary with the help of bank deposits.

How to save money
Picture: Stokkete | Dreamstime

How to learn to save money with a modest income? The first step should be to realize the need to set aside a fixed amount, which will increase monthly and be a certain guarantee in case of unforeseen situations.

How not to save money

When trying to save money, people often make mistakes. The most common of them are:

  • postponing what remains. Finances need to be set aside immediately after receiving a salary. Knowing that there are certain “free” funds, a person is prone to purchases that are not always necessary. That is why it is not possible to postpone the desired amount;
  • fanatical accumulation. You can not save all the money, while infringing on yourself in the elementary. It is necessary to leave money at least 1-2 times a month for something that brings pleasure, otherwise the accumulation of money will eventually turn into a mental health disorder;
  • saving money on an intermittent basis. Some people save really large amounts, but not always, but on the occasion when they are “lucky”. This method of accumulation will not allow you to achieve the goal, since saving the entire amount is not an option, and a person will have to take money from the piggy bank.
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Interesting fact! About 90% of residents of the CIS territories prefer to keep their savings at home, and only a small number of the population (2-3%) invest in bonds, stocks and more profitable assets.

How to save money with a small salary in order to have a reserve amount or collect for a large purchase? First of all, you need to properly tune in to this process and prioritize: otherwise, nothing will work. With the right approach, even a teenager can collect the required amount of money.

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