21st century – the time of generation Z

4 min read
21st century – the time of generation Z
Picture: russiaedu.ru

We live in the age of information technology. In a world where everyone knows what the Internet is, how to use a computer and how to find friends without leaving home. Roughly speaking, many of us live online.

Everyone singles out their pros and cons for themselves in this century: someone is actively developing in IT technologies, someone remains of the opinion “this was not the case in the USSR”, but absolutely everyone is trying to take the best. And the best abound, you just need to know where to get it!

Our generation is usually called generation Z. If people used to just start using the Internet, now teenagers are thinking about how to make money through the World Wide Web by playing games or blogging.

What is the “zoomer generation (Z)”?

If you go headlong into history, you can find out that this is a theory presented by William Strauss and Neil Howe. They explain it as the “digital age” generation.

Generation Z is the generation of the digital age.
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People born in 2000-2017 are perceived as teenagers who cannot imagine their lives without the use of gadgets or nanotechnologies. In the early 2000s, scientists were convinced that it was this generation that would bring all engineering, IT technologies, robotics and other technologies to a new level, and would significantly succeed in development. And now, when it is 2020, and we have moved into generation A, we can safely say that the scientists were right in their statements, and in recent years the world has succeeded in digital matters.

generation Z
Picture: mccrindle.com.au

But is it true that all zoomers dream of becoming programmers, engineers, robot creators and the like?

Partly! Most teenagers prefer this kind of profession – in fact, generation Z is considered to be the generation of programmers. They are more practical and have an analytical mindset. But there are those who still prefer culture: music, dance, art. And there are those who become marketers, architects or athletes. Based on this, we can conclude that the generation does not always predetermine your future fate. It depends on many factors: the peculiarities of upbringing, circles attended in childhood, mindset, in the end.

Generation Z values

People who were born in critical times have more pragmatic qualities. They easily adapt to something new, make decisions faster and more logically and, in principle, are lighter in character – they live according to the “like / dislike” principle.

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They are also mobile and it is easier for them to adapt to anything. Their thinking is different from people born in generation X, they see goals and their implementation schemes are built in the easiest way, without using complex structures and plans.

What makes this generation unique?

The uniqueness of generation Z is that it is simpler, in every sense.

As for fashion. If earlier people wore white tops, black bottoms, neat shoes with a smooth polished surface, now zoomers look at everything much easier. They do not distinguish between high fashion and combine what would previously be called an anti-trend – mixing different colors, wearing sneakers under a dress, ripping jeans and trying on a white bottom combined with a black top.

Girls cut their hair short, dye it in different colors, boys are also not afraid of bright colors or haircuts. And most importantly, they find it convenient and do not expect it to be recognized by some popular designer. Therefore, we can say that they have changed many concepts and constants in fashion.

It should be noted that teen zoomers communicate in a language that would previously be considered an indicator of a meager mind. They actively use borrowed words, communicate in “gamer speech”, use emoji and GIFs.

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And in the end, we come to the conclusion that it is not generation Z that adapts to older generations, but it is the digital generation that adjusts fashion, music and lifestyle. Perhaps it is due to all these reasons that today we have a fairly developed modern medicine, advanced technologies in the field of IT, space exploration, saving the planet’s resources and, in general, improving the quality and convenience of human life.

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